WP Users

Turn WordPress users into subscribers

Add the subscription option on the WordPress signup page, import the existing users as subscribers, map roles to lists, and more.

Quick subscription

Are you inviting users to register? Offer the option to sign up to your newsletter as well (or force everyone to be a subscriber)

Confirmation on login

You can skip the whole confirmation process: when the user log-in it means he received the WP activation email, hence the email is valid: subscription confirmed!

Import users

You can import all already registered users as subscribers, with a single click.

Map roles to lists

Configure the user roles to activate or deactivate Newsletter lists for fine targeting when sending your campaigns.

One-time payment with one year of access to premium support and updates. After one year addons continue to work but it’s not granted compatibility with new versions of WordPress or Newsletter. 100% no-risk with our 30-day money-back policy, no questions asked.

WP User Free

0 $

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Main features

  • Subscribe on registration
  • Consent checkbox
  • Autoactivation on login
  • Standard welcome email
  • Limited import
  • Works with 3rd party registration plugins

WP User Pro

- $

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All the free features, plus:

  • Import even for big user list
  • Custom welcome email
  • Mapping roles to lists
  • Dynamic lists update on role change

All Addons

- $

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All our addons

  • Automation addons
  • Reporting and retargeting
  • Integration with form builders
  • Integration with delivery services
  • and many more
  • See all
Subscription checkbox on sign-up forms✔️✔️
Connect WP Users with newsletter subscribers✔️✔️
Subscription confirmation on the first login✔️✔️
Subscription deletion when WP Users are cancelled✔️✔️
Fixed list assignment✔️✔️
Enable/disable welcome email✔️✔️
Enable/disable confirmation email✔️✔️
Create subscribers from already existing WP Users✔️*✔️
Mapping user roles to newsletter lists✔️
List update on user role change✔️
Custom welcome email✔️
(*) the import in the free addon could be blocked due to timeouts set on PHP or database. The pro addon uses a different approach to ensure every user is processed even when working on a large database.

Questions and answers

Can I show a consent checkbox on the registration form to be GDPR compliant?

Yes, absolutely. You can enable the checkbox and configure the label.

What does it mean the import of the free version is limited?

The import on the free version runs “one shot” and it could hit the limits set by your provider on the execution time, resources used, and so on. That stops prematurely the import and not all WP users could be processed. The pro version uses a background process avoiding such limits.

What is the mapping of roles to lists?

WP assigns one or more roles to its user like the “editor” one. Roles can be defined by plugins, for example, WooCommerce adds the “shop manager” role.
The pro version of WP Users Addon, lets you set which lists should be activated and which deactivated when a user is assigned to a specific role. Of course, if the user changes its role, the lists are updated as well.

What happens after one year? Does the pro addon stop working?

After one year from the purchase date, nothing happens to the addon, it continues to work providing all the features. Of course, without updates, it’s not granted compatibility with new versions of WordPress or Newsletter.