About Automatic and Unwanted Unsubscribe

If you get reported by one of your subscribers about “unwanted opt-out”, you’re not alone. From time to time it happens a subscriber finds his subscription canceled even if he is pretty sure he didn’t trigger it. That is usually due to spam checkers or antivirus software following the unsubscribe link on newsletters. This is … Read more

Images on emails are not showing up

This is a problem that appears randomly and often the same newsletter opened with different clients (Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, Thunderbird, Office 365, …) shows different behaviors. Special case is when the images are not shown on iPhone. Short answer: it’s not a problem with your newsletter or the Newsletter plugin. But let’s see … Read more

This URL has been blocked. Error Code: 4722

This particular error could be seen when saving a newsletter and the action is blocked without any possibility to continue. The message is returned by a hosting provider filter which analyses the content of the sent data (actually your newsletter body, subject, and other parameters) and determines it contains unsafe things. Of course, that is … Read more