WP Users Integration

This free add-on for the Newsletter plugin links the standard user registration flow to the subscription process.

To get all free add-ons just signup and download them from your account page.

You can select between two main working modes:

  1. offer the subscription in the registration form (possibly pre-checked)
  2. force the subscription to your newsletter to every newly registered user

Custom registration forms

There are many themes and plugins which offer a custom registration form. This addon works correctly even with those custom registration solutions IF they follow the standard WordPress convention of firing the user_register event.

If you need to check the compatibility of your plugin with this addon ask the plugin author if they follow the WordPress convention (most of the time if they use the provided WordPress functions to register the user, the answer is “yes”).

Subscription option on custom registration forms

The option (checkbox) to subscribe is added automatically to the standard WordPress registration page.

Custom registration forms are compatible if they fire the register_form event. It’s easy to check: if the custom form shows the newsletter checkbox, it’s already ok. Alternatively, you can add a checkbox in your custom registration form named “newsletter”. See the example below:

<label><input type="checkbox" name="newsletter"> Subscribe our newsletter</label>

If you need it to be pre-checked:

<label><input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" checked> Subscribe our newsletter</label>

Ask the custom registration form developer how to add such element.

The subscription flow

The addon offers few configurations to customize the subscription and confirmation flows. In order to provider a “friction less” subscription experience, with the default configuration, the subscription follows those steps:

  1. on registration a subscriber is created with status “to be confirmed”
  2. on first login, the subscriber is set as confirmed

No confirmation request is sent, since the login is a proof of the email ownership.

That simplified process can be changed enabling anyway the confirmation email, useful for blogs where the subscription does not follow an immediate login. Even the welcome email is by default suppressed but can be enabled, for example, if there are not predefined welcome emails provided by other plugins after the registration.

Confirmation on login

The subscription connected to a WordPress user can be confirmed automatically on first log-in. With custom login forms, it works only if the plugin managing the authentication follows the standard WordPress convention and the user_login event is fired.

Developers note: you can learn more about the user_login event and the sing-on flow checking the wp_signon() WordPress function.


Subscription during registration is logically different from a registration while leaving a comment or using the subscription form in the sidebar.

We strongly suggest creating a specific list that will be assigned to subscribers coming from the WordPress registration. Automatic list assignment can be useful even to subscribe to Automated channels or Autoresponder email series.

Having a specific list makes it even easier to target a campaign only to registered users. Anyway, the targeting panel for a newsletter lets you select directly only the subscribers which are connected to WordPress users.

Importing and aligning

If you need to “import” as subscribers all WordPress registered users in your blog, you can use the import feature you can find this addon settings page. The import can be run as many times as you want to align or realign the users with the subscribers.

How alignment works (important)

For each WordPress user, a matching subscriber is searched. The first match is made using the relation stored in our subscriber profile with its WordPress user if present. In this case, both are already aligned and nothing happens.

Then we try to match the WordPress user email with a subscriber email. If a match is found, we add a relation between the subscriber and the WordPress user to get them linked.

If no matches are found, we create a linked subscriber using the WordPress user data.

Note: if you have a large user base, the import process may fail due to timeouts (PHP, database) or excessive resource consumption. We are working to make that process a background process that can run over a longer time.

Data update while sending

With this addon installed, when a newsletter is sent, before using the subscriber’s data (email, first name, last name, …), the subscriber is processed by this integration, and those fields updated taking the values from WordPress user data.

There is not alignment process, so you may experiences subscribers with the “wrong” first name when linked to a WordPress user, but the correct first name is used on sending.

We have plans to update that.