Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Wrong newsletter sender email and name

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  • #303761

    we are currently experiencing a problem with the wordpress plugin : the email sender address and name are not displayed once a scheduled newsletter is sent (the wp_mail default email and username are used instead). This has happened for about three/four weeks now : before everything worked fine, and we have not changed our server SMTP provider and config and we have installed no new plugins. Moreover, everything works fine when sending in test mode or from the delivery diagnostic panel. Only the actual delivery of the newsletters is broken. I have inspected the plugin code for any clue, but everything looks fine. Could you please help us solve the issue ?


    Hi, you mentioned an SMTP provider, are you using a plugin to connect the blog to the SMTP? When sending in "test mode", do you mean sending a test from the System panels?


    Uhm, another check: newsletters can have custom email and name for the sender, could be your newsletters have that option active?


    Hi, and thank you for your help! I do not have a SMTP plugin, but a custom sSMTP config on the server for the php sendmail command. I tested through the prompt on the "Delivery diagnostic" panel and the test button on the newsletter edit page (both to single email and to test subscribers).


    custom email and name for the sender are set and work only in test mode


    Hi, the custom email is set on Newsletter main settings and/or on the single newsletter? I'm trying to understand which config. is not pick up, it seems a bug.


    I've tried both and I have the same result. Can there be any difference between the test and the actual sending logic ?


    After further research I think I might have a clue. We have two ssmtp configuration files,
    a default and a custom one. In the default one, the
    FromLineOverride parameter is set to NO - the "from"
    field value is thus overridden for all outgoing emails. In our custom config
    (ssmtp-fo.conf), the FromLineOverride parameter is
    set to YES - thus allowing any value for the email "from" field.
    Our php.ini config file defines the command to be used by
    wp_mail to send emails, and, in our case, which config to use is
    part of the specified command:
    sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/ssmtp -t -C /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp-fo.conf.
    So, it seems that for the newsletter plugin, sending in test mode uses the
    right command and the right configuration, while somehow the actual delivery uses the
    default config. If I temporarily change the parameter for the default config
    everything works fine.


    For security reasons, I would prefer not to change the default ssmtp config.


    Ok, I think I found the problem. We actually have two php.ini files, one for HTTP usage with FPM and the other for usage through CLI. In the CLI configuration file that is used by the plugin for the actual email deliveries, the sendmail_path was not specified, and so the default ssmtp config was used. Thank for your help, we should be able to fix this ourselves.


    I’ve tried both and I have the same result.

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