Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Where can I translate the error messages?

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    Hi, thank you for your great newsletter-plugin, which I use for years and its always working perfect.
    But till now I just used it in one language.
    Now I have problems with the redirection after subscribing and I cant find where I can
    translate the error messages like :
    "Please type in your Email address"
    or "bitte klicken sie dieses Kästchen an, wenn sie forfahren wollen" when I do not "accetti la nostra politica sulla privacy".

    Can you tell me, where I can translate these?
    thank you so much!!



    All labels can be translated on admin side. Please not that some messages are shown by the browser validation engine, so we cannot control them. Hence you can see them in German while the site is in English.



    Thanks for the great plugin.
    But could you please add the information above to the newsletter polylang documentation?
    "Please note that some messages are shown by the browser validation engine, so we cannot control them. Hence you can see them in German while the site is in English."
    I spent hours to find where I could translate the field error messages....
    Thank you very much.


    It's possible, just attach the custom error message to the input:

    document.getElementById('tnp-2').setCustomValidity('custom error message');

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