Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support welcome page in different languages

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  • #326122

    I have multilanguage page on wordpress. On the home page i have a section with subcription form. The problem is welcome page after clicking subscribe button. It always redirect to the original language of the webpage. No matter if i'm in german, french, italian - after clicking subscribe it always redirects to the english newsletter page. I made custom newsletter page in different languages and paste the url correctly but it doesnt work. Everytime the basic message is english or the custom page redirects to english one. How to fix that ? I want custom page in different languages.


    Hello, do you have a live example of the page you're trying to create?



    Hi, I have the same problem. Polylang-Plugin, I have two Welcome-Pages (DE/EN)) and the form is translated correctly. After that it redirects always to DE. I also tried to set the language of the device to EN, ... but Standard is always De.


    Hi, it could be a public page configuration issue. You should have 2 pages to be used by the newsletter plugin (one for the EN and one for the DE languages). Both the pages should contain only the [newsletter] shortcode.

    The plugin should detect if there is a problem with that configuration and show a warning on the admin side.

    Please, check on the Newsletter's main settings if those pages are correctly set as "public page". You should set this option for both your languages, switching the admin side language using the black top bar.

    Let us know, if all that is setup correctly we should look somewhere else.


    Yes, both side are public and set correctly and there is also no warning.
    The problem occurs, after sending the form. If a user register with the EN-Form, then in backend the language of the subscriber is also DE... automatically.


    Uhm, that means the form is not transmitting the language. Could you kindly share the link of the subscription page so I can check it? Could be a bug of something related to the form or the multilanguage plugin. Which plugin are you using?


    Yes, of course. I use polylang:

    DE: https://wegerich-fineart.com/newsletter/
    EN: https://wegerich-fineart.com/en/newsletter-en/

    At the moment I use a workaround: I added en and de text in the de-version.


    Hi, the forms are ok, both have the language (it's an hidden form field).
    I subscribed with test@ and stefano@, could you check the language of those two subscribers?
    The first should be DE the second EN.


    Hi, it's a but of the latest version, I'm fixing it right now.


    Hi, on the latest version (8.3.7) the problem should be fixed.


    Hi Stefano, thank you very much! Mails are in the correct language now. Just one more little thing: after submitting the EN form, you will be redirected to the DE form page (URL changes).
    Thank you, Stefanie


    Hi, probably this happens if you subscribe with an already registered address that is associated to that language. Could you check for that?


    Hi, thanks. I used a new mail and have just tried it again. Same effect (language in backend is set correctly).


    Uhm, it seems ok on my blog, but we could have different configuration. Could you check on Newsletter's main setting the public page set for the EN language? Enter the settings panel, change the top bar language to English and check the public page setting.
    Probably it's ok, I would use a similar configuration.

    Another simple check: on your "pages" panel, set the top bar language to all, and you should have two pages with a "warning" similar "Newsletter public page".


    In the configuration on the settings panel there is a different page for Englisch:
    All: Newsletter [#8403]
    DE: Newsletter [#8403]
    EN Newsletter [#8404]

    In the Pages Panel there are tow Newsletter public Pages (DE and EN), but there is no warning.

    Maybe the "all language" setting overwrites the setting for EN, because DE is standard?


    Hi, I was able to replicate the problem it happens with the "activation required" message, we're already working to fix it.
    Your configuration is ok!

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