Hi there!
I had to make a new "wp_newsletter" table within the WordPress Database – made up of entries of 5 older tables. By copy-pasting the lines within an exported .csv file it worked more or less fine: In PHPmyadmin I imported a .odt of the compiled rows with titles to the new "temp_wp_newsletter". Because all the field specific settings concerning Type, collation, attributes etc WERE NOT CORRECT I truncated the before backuped "wp_newsletter" and copied the data only of "temp_wp_newsletter" into it. Now everything LOOKED super-fine. So far obviously only the four lists seem uncomplete:
Whereas LibreOffice as well as PHPmyadmin do show 132 "1"-entries for "list_2" for example newsletter_subscription_lists shows only 4.
-> Is there any way to delete a cache or reread plugins database entries ?!
Thank you vefry much for any Idea, your Mysql-Newbie (;