Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support TEC w/ PMP in Automated Newletters

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    Stefano, I have bother PMP and TEC setup and working actively. We have public events, member only events, and board member events, and those events are hidden based on the role (public/member/board member). When I create an Auto NL using the TEC block, I see the board member events, but when I receive the email, they are not there. Is this a function that should be working for those that are members? Or will only public events (not hidden by PMP) be sent?



    Hi, for the Automated addon, please, open a ticket so the right person can take care of it. At first sight, you probably just need to enter the config of the automated addon (on the bottom of the page where the channels are listed) and set to "run" as an administrator.

    When the newsletter is generated, Automated is in the "cron" context of WP, as an anonymous user, so the PMP filters are 99% removing the events from the query.

    I have a note on my desk to change the "test" of an automated channel to execute on that context so it will be easier to detect those situations.


    Stefano, I'm revisiting this now. I cant open a ticket because I'm learning under a friend and he as the access to the priority support. He has too many accounts and keeps that access to himself.

    I have found in TNP where I select an admin as a sender, and I have done that. Now the "Hidden" member events are being sent to non members, opposite of what I had before. Is TNP able to decipher Member/non members on sending or do I need to setup different email lists for that? If I do need to setup different lists for that, how do I control the non-member events? I thought the PMP add-on would do that. I've been scowering how-to articles but cant find much.


    Hi, the events block does not know about members and non-members, you should have specific list of subscribers for members and non-members and two channels and, for example, categories to filter out the members' only events.
    In your situation probably a custom block would be the best solution.

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