Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Subscription messages in two different languages

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #92207


    My website have two languages and I must to create subscription messages ( English and Spanish), but the plugin only allows to be translated, not having two versions in two different languages.

    How can I create two different subscription messages (Activation message, Error Page, Welcome email…) for my website in two different lenguages?

    Thank you


    Hi, we plan to have the WPML support in a month, if you’re using WPML that should solve the problem. If you have any other plugin for multilanguage blog, let me know.


    Michal Salaj

    create wpml-config.xml in wp-content/plugins/newsletter with this content:

    <key name=”newsletter”>
    <key name=”profile_text”/>
    <key name=”profile_email_changed”/>
    <key name=”profile_error”/>
    <key name=”confirmation_text”/>
    <key name=”confirmation_subject”/>
    <key name=”confirmation_message”/>
    <key name=”confirmed_text”/>
    <key name=”confirmed_subject”/>
    <key name=”confirmed_message”/>
    <key name=”unsubscription_text”/>
    <key name=”unsubscription_error_text”/>
    <key name=”unsubscribed_text”/>
    <key name=”unsubscribed_subject”/>
    <key name=”unsubscribed_message”/>
    <key name=”newsletter_subscription_template”>
    <key name=”template”/>

    and you will be able to use wpml string translation to translate messages


    Hello Stefano,
    I also have a multilingual site and want to translate the messages for activation page, welcome page, etc.
    I use the polylang plugin. Can you please help me?
    Thank you very much in advance!

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