Hello -
I'm testing the features before installing it on the production site. So far I really like it and intend to purchase the premium version.
However, I'm having trouble with a specific use-case. We serve different kinds of customers that would have different lists. Each market will have it's own landing page, and that landing page will have a CTA to subscribe to a mailing list specific for that industry. For example, we may have one newsletter for auto mechanics and another one for healthcare workers. An auto mechanic would have a landing page to subscribe to the auto mechanic newsletter, and a healthcare worker would have a different landing page to subscribe to a healthcare newsletter.
From reading the documentation, it would seem to work with the lists="x" (or list="x") attribute in the short code. However, it doesn't seem to work. The list is public. If the Profile Form is set to "Show, checked" the list will appear on all landing pages. In other words, the Healthcare subscriber will see the auto mechanic list on their landing page. Shouldn't the list="2" option on the shortcode only show subscription (or automatically subscribe) to list 2?
I have screen shots to illustrate this test case if tell me where to send or post the .jpg file.