Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Stopping an Email Send After Its Started

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  • #332024
    Ian Whiscombe

    How do I stop an email send after its started?

    I have an automated newsletter set up for a weekly send. 

    I've just transferred over today and have sent my final email using previous service this morning.

    I just clicked enable on my automated newsletter thinking it would send next Wednesday but it has started sending. 

    I've reduced the speed to 10 an hour but can't find anywhere to stop it completely. 

    I haven't set up any sending service yet so assume it's using the default WordPress setting. 


    Hello Ian,

    sorry if you needed this reply a little bit earlier : ) You can stop newsletters by going to the newsletters list inside Automated, and selecting the one which is currently being sent. Or, you can go to Help/delivery panel, where you can find a quick overview of the newsletters being sent at any moment.


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