Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Some thoughts about extensions

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    Hello Team,
    let me at first say, I like your plugin as it offers a lot of options for customizing. I even bought the proffesional extensions.

    I'm wondering if my two website's are full of bugs or if there is an issue in the plugin (thats why I think it would be interesting to know if other users have the same issues)

    My main problems are:
    wp users integration - is not collecting first and last name from registration forms (not from WordPress registration, not from Woocommerce registration on my account page). The function "Delete the subscription connected to a WordPress user when that user is deleted" does not work any more. It used to work just fine, but since one of the last updates it doesn't any more. I did not notice it at first as there is no error message, so I can't really say since when (few weeks).

    Woocommerce integration - is now collecting first and last name from Woocommerce registration on my account page, but not any more from checkout page (which is ok I don't need it from checkout page). After registration customers receive two emails, one for registration confirm one for newsletter subscription. Why doesn't it have the same behaviour as in wp users integration where the plugin listnes for the first login and automaticaly confirms newsletter subscription.

    I guess my problems could be solved if one of the integration would work properly (Tops would be both)


    Hi, we recently introduced the support for woocommerce signup and we already listed the improvements you correctly suggested. About the first and last name, we'll check the problem of the checkout page and event the delete problem (could it be the user cannot be deleted because it has associated orders or carts)?

    Generic registration forms works correctly only if they fire the correct wp event and we should able to collect the first and last name. Have you the latest version of the wp users integration?

    Anyway the registration of woo and the wordpress registration, when both integrated with newsletter, are not immediate to manage due to the event sequences: we'er working on it.



    I got the wp_users integration working now on the wordpress and woocommerce registration. All it needed was some custom code in functions.php so the fist ans last name is written into the newsletter database.

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