Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support random listing with automated newsletter

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  • #312851
    Christophe Belina


    When an automated newsletter is created, it only takes the newest listing. It is not a good way of working because if a user add a lot of listings before the newsletter is created, then the newsletter will only be about his listings. So I have 3 questions/recommandations:

    1. Adding a way to randomly pick up listings
    2. Adding a way to randomly pick up the newest listings
    3. If listings concerns events: adding a way to pick up listings based on their event date*

    *Let's say users add listings for their events weeks or events month before it's planed, it's not really useful to send newsletter that early. However, it would make more sense to pick up the listings for events planed the week after. It would be great and so useful to add this kind of possibility


    Hi, the best way to get this kind of content inside a newsletter is to create a custom block that randomly extracts your listing. You can start from the posts block and just change the posts extraction, inheriting all the posts block settings and layouts:


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