Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Passing Profile Custom Field as part of POST in NEWSLETTER API

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  • #129735

    Dear Team,

    I was checking https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/developers/dev-newsletter-api and noted that we can pass custom field as part of profile data in add.php of News letter api. My question :
    1. I didn't not see any code to get data for Profile Custom Feild to "Profile" variable in add.php , I am checking it wrong ? or its not there .
    2. How can I update custom field Name "CustomFIELD1" with some value using notfication api.

    I am able to add subscriber but no Custom field data by below code:

    http://doamin.com/wp-content/plugins/newsletter-api/add.php?nk=<my KEY>&ne=snj@as2.com&nn=tusu&ns=Lissa&nl=1

    Please advise.

    Thank you.

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