Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Non-static method BasicSEO::init_menu() should not be called statically

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  • #284776

    Hello all,
    My site has WordPress 5.9.3 and php 7.3.27 and when I do a mailing test on the newsletter delivery diagnostic i got this message below
    "Non-static method BasicSEO::init_menu() should not be called statically"
    How can I fix this error? can you help me? please explain me as I was a child, because my knowledge on this area is not much
    Thank you a lot in advance


    Hi, that is not a method called by Newsletter, probably it is activated when Newsletter extracts the posts. You should ask the developer of that plugin or the developer of the site.


    Hi stefano,

    Thank you for your email. I solved, I desistaled the plugin SMTP MAIL, and now its working, so it was probably some conflict
    Thank you,

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