Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support newsletters not delievered

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  • #168414

    Hi, I am using newsletter plugin on 2 of my websites and the newsletters were delivered perfectly until a few weeks ago.
    Now, I only receive the newsletters on our own address only (they are not being delivered to gmail, hotmail, icloud etc.) Even when I manually forward the newsletters from our domain's email address they are not delivered but any other email is being delivered.
    I contacted my host and they even changed something on the SPF record but the problem persists. I even tried sending a blank newsletter as a test, but it is not being delivered.
    When I send a test email to hotmail with smtp it works.
    What could be wrong?
    Thanks in advance!


    Hi, this is a filter problem at the server level. Are you using an SMTP or an external delivery service? Have you check with the provider?



    Hi Stefano! Thanks for your reply!
    I tried with both SMTP and without and the problem persists. I contacted my host and they tried to change a few things but they can't find the cause and told me to contact you.
    On the plugin's status the only problem seems to be CRONS:

    Cron calls KO The blog cron system is NOT triggered enough often.
    Trigger interval: average 599 s, max 5184 s, min 27 s

    Could this be the reason? Or is this a separate issue?

    Thanks again

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