Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Modify "_blank" to "_self" for Privacy link in form

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  • #94096

    I am using the Newsletter plugin on a site. Now, in the form one has a checkbox and a link to read the Privacy policy. This links sends the user to a new page. I want to load this URL in the same page. I've tried to alter this but I haven't succeed.

    In my WP page I've just included this:
    That creates the form with the fields I indicated in the configuration.

    According to the plugin, this is (a part of) the code that is generated automatically:
    <div class="tnp-field tnp-field-privacy"><label><input type="checkbox" name="ny" required class="tnp-privacy"> Ich akzeptiere die Datenschutzbestimmungen</label></div>

    I can see the target parameter is set to "_blank". I want to switch it to "_self". How can I modify that?

    This is the web I am working on:

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


    It cannot be changed.


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