Dear all,
I am failing to get a test e-mail sent. If I initiate a test either under /wp-admin/admin.php?page=newsletter_main_status or under /wp-admin/admin.php?page=newsletter_main_smtp the page is loading for quite an eternity, and finally I am presented a white, empty page. If I try to reload the page afterwards, the browser requires me to confirm the repeated submission (“erneute Formular-übermittlung bestätigen”) and shows me, after another eternity, the white page again. I did not receive a test e-mail.
My settings are:
Enable the SMTP?: Ja
SMTP host/port:
Port: 465/SSL protokol
Authentication: <Our GMail address>
Insecure SSL Connections: Nein
Test email address: <My address>
Can you please help me to localize the problem?
Thank you in advance!