Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support I'm not very happy...

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  • #79061

    Hello Michael,

    I'm Johann, the french translator of the newsletter plugin,
    i have done everything to give you the best french translation possible,

    and I'm still waiting for my free licence of your plugin.
    More than TWO months and a half !

    Nobody respond to my emails, so I use this forum to reach someone...

    Best Regards,
    user : cocob35


    this a copy of your email from 31 january :
    Hello Johann,

    sorry for this delay. Yes we are still offering you a free annual license to our plugin
    for your translation work. Just to recap: is your translation complete and did you upload
    it to translate.wordpress.org ?

    Let us know and I will personally set up an account in our website.

    Best regards,


    and the other one from Roberto, 21 december 2018

    Hi, you can help the translation project here: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/newsletter

    We'll be glad to offer you a free license once the translation is published.



    Hello Johann,

    I replied to your mail on the 25th of February but apparently you never get it. I then replied back to your last mail on 11st of March, still no luck I suppose. I don't know what went wrong but let me apologize for this. Anyway, your license is active from the 25th of February, as you may check in your account page on our website.

    If it's ok, please reply to this post to confirm your account is active.

    The Newsletter Plugin



    thank you Michael for your intervention,
    i've got me key licence now,

    Best Regards,

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