Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Filtering / targeting newsletter by tag : possible or not ?

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    Sorry for this newbie question – but it could probably be useful for other users =

    does this strategy operates =

    I make an automated newsletter with content = post filterd by tag (tag = 1000) 1000 is a zip-code

    Does this newsletter will detect and sended every time there is a post containing the tag = 1000 ?

    Thanks for your answer


    Yes it works this way: when in the template there is a block of posts (with its filters), the block can be configured to “stop” the newsletter generation is there are no new posts (after the last delivery date). So, if no other posts with tag “1000” are added, the generation should be skipped.
    Just pay attention to the right configuration of the posts block. The “skip” options are available only when the block is used to create an Automated template.

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