Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Feature Request - Gutenberg Blocks as Editor

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  • #294882

    Hi Team,

    I couldn't see where to add feature requests. but has there been any thoughts about utilising the native Gutenberg Blocks / Editor to compose newsletters in the future? i.e. support for the core blocks & columns?



    Hi, we evaluated it initially, but Gutenberg was continuously evolving and changing. Anyway, the real problem is this: blocks designed for web pages do not work on emails. Emails need a lot of tables the keep the formatting on every email client, so using Gutenberg means reprocessing all blocks to make the email-ready (if possible, I don't know).
    Not only: all the custom blocks from themes and plugins won't work on email clients (structure, missing CSS, and so on)... it would be a disaster 🙂


    A note: it could be possible to use the Gutenberg technology and activate specific customized blocks yo build a newsletter (another known plugin seems to work this way ;-).


    I suppose the biggest request, would be to have the ability to a column blocks, supporting all custom Gutenberg blocks would definitely never be possible, but the native ones could possibly.


    The native ones can generate complex HTML, without online styles (Gutenberg has tons of styles for its native blocks). I think it would be an incredible effort and, the main problem is the maintenance. 🙁

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