Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Feature (minor enhancement) request: Send first email immediately(Autoresponder)

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  • #138296

    Hi guys,

    I'm a (moderately) HAPPY paying customer of your awesome plugin 🙂

    I have a feature request (I've requested it a while ago, let me try again).

    - My problem: we run giveaway and promotions, and we want the subscribers for that promotion to immediately receive an email relevant to what they subscribed for.
    - My proposed solution: add a checkbox to the Autoresponder extension, to allow sending the first email immediately, please see mockup below

    immediate send first email in Autoresponder

    Baci e abbracci,


    Hi, it's a bit tricky to have an immediate delivery by the autoresponder, for technical reason, anyway I understand that could be a interesting feature. I'll see with the team if it can be easily implemented (the autoresponder is an indipendent engine, it's not linked to the subscription event right now).



    Grazie 🙂


    Stefano, how does the autoresponder work today.

    We are using Mailster which is an excellent solution, but are exploring alternatives. Mailster does provide the option to send out a newsletter immediately once the user signs up. How does autoresponder work with your solution? Can we set up sending out an email immediately after the user signs up, or it has to be delayed for an hour or more? Do you have a demo site that contains a user dashboard?

    Additionally, we have read that your composer displays the blog posts as blocks the user can drag and drop into the newsletter. Is that true? How does it work?

    Thanks a lot.



    Thank you @Jing!

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