Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Error updating Contact Form 7 plugin

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by dob.
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  • #310492

    Hello Community!
    The "Newsletter - Contact Form 7" plugin cannot be updated some months now while other plugins in my WordPress installation do not have problem to update.

    The message is:
    [ Updating Plugin Newsletter - Contact Form 7 (1/1)
    Downloading update from http://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/wp-content/plugins/file-commerce-pro/get.php?f=61&d=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rockarollatours.gr&k=
    An error occurred while updating Newsletter - Contact Form 7: Download failed. Method Not Allowed ]

    Main Newsletter plugin Version 8.0.4
    Newsletter - Contact Form 7 plugin Version 4.3.3 and failing to update to 4.3.5.

    Wordpress Version 6.4.1
    PHP 8.2.12 (tried with 8.1 also).

    Thanks in advance.


    Usually that is a block at network level. I can suggest to get the addon package directly from your account page on this site and then upload it using the "add new plugin" in your site. That procedure will update the addon.


    Hi there. I am having the same problem. It's not an issue on a network level. The situation is as follows: The contact form 7 integration always was a free plugin and it was installed as such on my site. It still shows it as a free plugin in the newsletter backend too. When I try to update it I get a forbidden like the OP. When I try to download it direct and update it it is listed as a PAID plugin now and won't let me download without paying. So, either there is a mixup somewhere or you are risking 1000s of users to stay with an old version (potentially dangerous) because they can't no longer update because payment is now required. Please advice.

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