So here is the story:
1.user writes name and email will now receive newsletters from me,an email will come to you soon for confirmation
3.the email arrives and the user confirms
4.a page opens and is says "dear user you are now confirmed please edit your profile" the same time with step 4 an email arrives which shows user's profile unedited...just name and email and the other options blank.Blank because the user is on step 4.
6.user edits his details,saves and again a new email arrives with the correct ,filled out, profile.
7.after saving , a page opens with the prompt IF the user wants to change his details.
8.if the user doesn't want to change anything and presses Save then the same page (profile page) opens.
9.Here starts the loop. On save page reloads.
My questions are:
1.How to disable first profile email.
2.Disable edited profile details.
3.How to stop the loop and continue surfing in my website?
Thank you!!!