Hi - I'm reading the documentation and looking for the HTML email template that I can modify. I can't find it anywhere. Specifically I'm
in the LIST BUILDING section > WELCOME
The text version of that email has only
<p>Hi {name},</p>
<p>Thanks for signing up for the ResumeStory.Builders newsletter.</p>
- We will shoot you an email when we have an interesting article, video or 'how to' that we think you might enjoy.
- We won't bombard your inbox or sell your email address to third parties.
<p>You can change the email where you receive your newsletter by clicking here or unsubscribe here.</p>
<p>Leah Derus</p>
<p><small>ResumeStory.Builders<br />home of the story-based resume</small></p>
I"m looking for this - Please help!