Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Bulk editing, please

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  • #230269

    Hi there,
    I've been using Newsletter plugin Premium version including all the addons for 18 months now and it is an fantastic plugin, which helps us everyday in handling our newsletter.
    But I really think one thing should be improved: bulk editing. Every and each time there is an update (quite frequent) of the plugin I cross fingers to find a new bulk editing functionality, with no avail 🙁
    I think it would be greatly welcome to be able for instance to switch:
    - Unconfirmed subscribers to Confirmed susbcribers
    - Test subscribers to real susbcribers
    - Unsubscribed users to active users
    - bulk add subscribers to a list
    And so on...
    I have more than 300 subscribers whom I need to change status, it will take me half a day.
    Any good news upcoming relative to this matter?


    Hi, no all those actions are available but on subscriber management panel you can find some of them.



    I agree with edupin. There is no ability to bulk edit subscribers. Our latest send of the newsletter is experiencing a 100% bounce rate for an unknown reason. We canceled the send but have yet to identify the issue. However, until we canceled it everyone that was attempted is now in the bounced status. We are having to go one by one to edit and switch back to confirmed. It sure would be nice to be able to select all and then bulk change the status.

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