Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Blank Page when sending emails, even when plain text test email arrives...

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  • #31789
    Antonio Diez

    Hi, I am having this problem, I only get a plain text test email, and page goes blank everytime I try to send any kind of mail from the plugin.
    I have been using Newsletter plugin to get subscribers and to send newsletters with good success, until a couple of weeks, when it stopped working at once.

    When I try to send any type of email, the page gets blank, no matter what parameters I introduce in the panel.
    I am using Gmail SMTP, but I had this blank page problem even before I installed...
    My memory is set to 128 MB (I read that short memory is the problem often...
    Any ideas, please? I am desperate, of course I can use other plugins for this but they are no by far as nice 🙁

    Thank you!


    Hi it seems due to a change made by your hosting provider. Check the error logs your provider should supply, or in Newsletter main setting enable the log a debug level and set Newsletter in "debug mode". Then reproduce the problem and see if in the bottom of the status panel there are logs reported.

    If there is a php-xxxx.log, paste it here.


    Antonio Diez

    Hi Stefano,
    Thank you so much for your quick reply! I have done as you said, and I have this in the log:

    [11-Apr-2017 12:12:02 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class phpmailerException in /var/www/vhosts/futurhobby.com/httpdocs/magaz/wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php on line 4040
    I am not sure of what that means or how to solve it...

    Antonio Diez

    Hi again, I searched deeply for the "cannot redeclare class" issue, and I found what looks like a solution,

    adding some code in php.mail function, but not being at all an expert in this,
    I cannot find where exactly to past it.
    I tried pasting in several places, but all I got was to almost finally ruin may WP site...

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