Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Attachment file not working

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  • #338801

    When I click on the attachment button in a newsletter template, appears an opaque background of a modal and no more. Clicking everywhere or pressing Esc key doesn’t close the modal and I can’t do anything more. Seems like the attachment button is bugged. Any ideas or feedbacks?

    Quando clicco sul bottone per allegare nel template della newsletter appare uno sfondo opaco di una modale e nient’altro. Se clicco ovunque o premo Esc per chiuderla non si chiude e non posso fare altro che aggiornare la pagina. Sembra che la funzione di allegare sia buggata. Qualche idea?

    Thank you



    attachments aren’t currently supported on Newsletter, I’m not sure what happens with the modal, though. Read more here: https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/adding-attachments-to-newsletters/

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