Hello there !
We'd like to share a secret with you, our beloved Newsletter Plugin users ! We've got plans to slightly increase our selling price in the near future so we're offering to you some more time to buy our plugin professional extensions bundle at the same old price of 19.95$! Here's what you'll get:
Reports Reports Extension improves internal statistics collection and provides better and more detailed reports of data for each sent mail.
Feed By Mail Feed By Mail Extension generates and sends your newsletters using your blog last posts, even custom ones like events or products.
Follow Up Follow Up Extension automatically sends pre-composed e-mails to subscribers after subscription confirm.
And many other, check out the full list here !
Buy Now For 19.95$ (Last Week) ! →
We are going through some pretty radical changes in the evolution process of our plugin and let us say they will be for better: new features, a clearer, crispier user interface and an improved themes visual editor are only some of the points we've flagged on our roadmap. And we can't be more thrilled to release them all in the following months.
So keep following us at thenewsletterplugin.com and remember than your feedback is always crucial to our work. So keep commenting guys !
Farewell, The Newsletter Team